Sunday, 30 January 2011

JanuARTY Gabriel Orozco's lintels

I will keep this brief as I believe it will not take long to get the picture.
Yet another piece of modern art.....ops....shall I say conceptual art?!

Gabriel Orozco's Lintels at the TATE

My Silly Owners explained the concept to be related to sheets of tumble-dryer collected from New York Public laundrettes and hanging from a washing line. I have been assured that although the object might look simple, Orozco's art is all about the concealed levels of implications and the hidden meanings that will engage the viewers in different ways according to their different backgrounds and walks of life.

Orozco's Citroen
So, if the artist slice a Citroen DS in three parts and then chooses to reassemble it without the middle is to engage the viewers on a multiplicity of levels, to make their minds work.

OK, I am a fairly educated cat who takes well advantage of the flat's library with all its books about everything and have no idea how much you can learn just by wondering among bookshelves and snooping at book covers.  

I tried to engage with used  tumble-dryer sheets and washing lines ...and the remaining two thirds of the Citroen.... but I need to confess that the more I let my mind engage with this all, the more I think......


Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Groovy Grooming

You cannot fathom the effort that it takes me to be this beautiful. Do you think this coat brushes itself? Well, think again. This is how I look when I wake up...

Bed Hair

This is me when I get my hair straightened  professionally.

For my coat I only use ghd hair streightners

This is what I feel like trying....for a change

picture from
Apparently this  pet groomer  will do that for you.

But then I look in the mirror once again and.....

I am so HOT AS IF I SHOULD BOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 20 January 2011

What we got for Christmas

For Christmas My Other Silly Owner went to Australia and he was given this funky looking box as present for My Silly Owner.

In the beginning I was not too sure what to do of all this....

Than I figured can't go wrong with sniffing and licking, really!!!

My Silly Owner explained that these silicone bands are used to close/seal food packages....

They have a magnete to allow them to be easily stored...

...... that they are called Pitto and they made My Silly Owner over excited because they seem to colour match any corner of the flat.

Green like the couch

both couches, really

yellow like my favourite designer lamp

 ....can you even spot the fuchsia silicone flower among the cyclamin?

I am so glad that at least someone got the what they wanted for Christmas

Recap: Since My Silly Owner received the silicone bands: 1) she jumps around the house to find color matches for the bands. 2) she spends her lunch time opening food packaging to then re-close it  in a different bag using the silicone band. 


Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Silly Owners Growing Old

Last night it was My Silly Owner 's XX Birthday and she decided to celebrate it with friends.
Where I am from, once you reach that age you have got little to celebrate but what are you gonna do? They are funny like that.

She went to a place in Bricklane to celebrate her birthday with friends... drank a lot of intoxicating liquor.

She then had the genius idea to came back home in the wee hours to cook Spaghetti for the ten guest who made it back with her......and I had to take myself upstairs and sleep on my second favourite bed, the one I only use if guests are around on my sofa....

 My Silly Owners woke up with a massive headache the day after and I woke up........ wondering why the hell they bother!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

JanuARTY Muse

I have decided to indulge My Silly Owner and her art fascination. If this really needs to go down as the month to celebrate art......I'll do it MY WAY (singing)

What is art? What's its purpose? Who does inspire an artist to create a masterpiece? I might not have all the answers but I can recognise a F@#**@ fine muse when I see one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know what I mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found out that quite a few people have a fascination for Klimt and that they put a lot of energy and effort into what comes absolutely natural to me. But if you are not as hot as I am.....

Amitai Sasson from blog

 I don't know why you should bother!

Friday, 7 January 2011

JanuARTY 2011

It is the first day after all My Silly Owner's New Year's celebrations come the resolutions already!!!!!!! This year, My Silly Owner informs me, we are all to get more "arty". We all need to  experience more of the London art scene.  She tells me that and five minutes later takes off to cross the Millenium Bridge to ...go to THE TATE

I have to say, not my favourite gallery as it is a real "crowd pleaser" in its choices but......what are you gonna do? My Silly Owner tells me every man and his "cat" at the moment is going to the TATE to see the Gauguin.....before it's to late (Gauguin exhibition at the TATE  will end on the 16 Jan 2011). 

Upon her return My Silly Owner bores me to death with her tale of the  WEI WEI's Sunflower Seed's installation, also known in the cat world as "The Why Bother Stone Project". Get this: a whole village in China produced and hand-painted millions of clay stones to make them look like Sunflower seeds. Once that village was famous for producing the King's fine porcelain and thing they knew they had to hand picked minuscule seeds and strike them 6-8 time with a minuscule brush to make them grey.

The stones were then flown to London in sacks and scattered on the pavement of a building South of the River, the Tate. ....and all for a cost which I am sure was NOT reasonable (even though art is priceless).

Now get this: you cannot even walk on them...or touch them!!!!!!!!  Well, My Silly Owner and friends could not as the installation was fenced off but I have heard of people who were able to do it.

Let's recap: a village famous for its legacy of producing fine porcelaine for the kings of China has ended up mass producing fake sunflower seeds by hand. It goes without saying that all of this was commissioned and produced "for the West"....the MADE IN CHINA of ART.

The I feel compelled to add something. On my balcony I have grey pebbles too but I choose not to make such a huge fuss about it:

 Sometimes I don't know why people bother!!!!!!!!