My Silly Owners left for a mini break and they would not tell me where they intended to go. As usual they wanted me to guess....
This could be pretty much anywhere.....
.....on this I want to say....Naples in Italy!
Now this looks exotic......
....and this incredibly dramatic.....
My Silly Owbers met with their friend Marco and this was a big clue for me as I know Marco, a blast from the past. He came and stayed with us years ago....I know where he is from!!!!!!!!
Have you guessed where My Other Silly Owners have been yet?
Oh, no......what is My Other Silly Owner up to? Don't do it, Marco is nice!!!!
If you have not guessed the city by now you will have much bigger problems generally in life.
A cat friend of mine has got a Silly Owner whose cousine lives in Venice and this guy said that that city smells, it is completely crowded with tourists and a bottle of milk costs like gold. I thought My Silly Owners could easily get this in London without flying out of the Country.
Someone please tell me why do they bother??????