Last Sunday my Silly Owner pulled out of her wardrobe those weird things she puts around her ankles. I know know what this's that time of the year again: ice-skating.
I shall save you the first "why does she bother?" to go straight to the point. Come Christmas time, My Silly Owners and their friends try to go ice skating ...every year to a different ice rink.
Last Sunday Silly Owners and firends got all on a train from Waterloo......
.....heading to the best ice rink in London: HAMPTON COURT
There was some fierce skating and soem fierce "posing" in front of cameras...all of it with the stunning Hampton Court at the back.
Can you spot My Other Silly Owner in the picture below?
After much skating a well deserved pint / Irish Coffee / Red Wine in the best pub in Hampton Court, the King's Arms.
Dusk fell quickly upon My Silly Owners and friends and it was soon time to go home.
Quick recap: My Silly Owners went out of London to glide on some ice in the afternoon to then come back home. I am left with just one question: why did they all feel the needs to go out in the cold when they could have layed in the sun?
"Why did they bother?"