Monday, 29 October 2012

New Additions - Introducing Greta O'Neil

Last Saturday My Silly Owners packed a bag and disappeared for a couple of days.

Day 0 - Saturday 20th October 2012 going to hospital

When they came back they were clasping the oddest thing in their hands....

Back from hospital - 22nd October late at night

Once unwrapped, this thing did not prove to be much help either. It does not seem to be able to do anything  other than sleeping and crying.

Day 3 - 24th October

It does sleep an awful lot.....

Day 3 - 24th October 

Day 3 - 24th Octotber

Day 4 - 25th Ocotber 

Day 4 - 25th Ocotber 

Why did My Silly Owner feel the need to go and get another sleeper in the house?

Was I not sleeping well enough for them? I am not loud, I do not cry or soil myself all the time. If you ask me we needed a messy sleeper in the house like a kick in the butt.

Why the hell did they bother?

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Some of you may know My Silly Owners has been putting on some weight lately. 
I have mentioned it but her weight issue is getting no better.....

Week 34

Week 35

Week 37

The other weird thing is that all of a sudden My Silly Owner seems to count her age in weeks.... I think she is confusing her weeks with years. 

My Silly Owner's weight is not the only bizarre change happening around here. 

First of all my favourite bookshelf was replaced by this hold-all massive basket that My Other Silly Owner put together few weeks ago:

In addition the working desk has been replaced by a much smaller version and yet another wardrobe...that has now been filled with lots and lost of... tiny stuff...

My Silly Owner, once good with her fashion, has lost it. She has taken to buying tiny clothes. These will  never fit her..... and they are ALL pink!!!!!!!!!!

...and she has also taken on some obscure activity (spinning some wool thread on a hook for hours)

Friends and family seem to be indulging her and are sending even more tiny clothes....

Courtesy of Irene (Golden Hands) and Pamela

Oh, Oh!!! Wait a I think about it.....big tummy.....tiny clothes.........weird behaviour.....

I just realised what is happening! Oh My God ! It's a kitten... isn't it? 

It's a brand new kitten entering the household!!!!!!!!

I now know WHY THEY ARE BOTHERING and I do not like it at all!!!!!!!!!!! 

Quick, somebody help me!!!!!!!!!!!!